Charcuterie boards continue to be extremely popular, so I fashioned themed charcuteries into wreaths for the holidays. Here are 12 Edible Christmas Wreaths that will certainly tickle your taste buds and leave a smile on your face! Which themes will you recreate in your home this Christmas?

Just a short while ago, I published an edible Christmas wreath series to the blog. The series was called Lord Byron’s 12 Edible Christmas Wreaths. It was a series that was posted over 12 consecutive days. Just like I have done in the past with other Christmas recipe series, I am putting together one post with all of the recipes from the series on one page.
I’m not sure why I do these things to myself or how I get it into my head that a consecutive series is a good idea. As much as I do love it when I think of it, keeping up with the social media aspect of a series like that is quite overwhelming.
Charcuterie boards are everywhere these days, and it seems that there’s a theme for just about everything. With that in mind, why not create wreath-shaped charcuterie boards for Christmastime!? I started out with a few varieties in mind, but the more I thought about it, the more I loved the idea and before long, I had a list of twenty themes. Narrowing it down to 12 was hard, but I managed to put some of the themes aside until next year!
Everything you see in these wreaths is available at most larger chain stores, which means all you have to do is assemble it. Christmastime is busy enough as it is! Putting out a nice spread for friends and family shouldn’t add to your holiday stress! Most charcuterie boards will include thinly sliced meats and cheese. But, in this case, I’m keeping these wreaths simple and very on-theme.
Without any further delay, let’s get into it! I’ll countdown the wreaths in the order they first appeared here at Lord Byron’s Kitchen.
Looking For More Christmas Confections?
Lord Byron’s Kitchen has more than enough to satisfy your sweet tooth! Click on the links below to see a countdown series of holiday recipes from that category!

Lord Byron’s Annual Christmas Cookie Series
Did you know that Lord Byron’s Kitchen has been sharing a 24 Cookies of Christmas Series for the past several years? Click on the links below to see all of the recipes from each series on one page!
So, that’s it, that’s all! Just like the previous Christmas baking series’ that have been published at Lord Byron’s Kitchen, I’m adding this series to the list. As always, it’s been a challenge, but I’ve never backed down from a challenge in my life.
But, don’t think I’m going to sit here and relax now that you have all of these Edible Christmas Wreaths to prepare! Because, would you like to know what happens tomorrow? Okay, I’ll tell you! Tomorrow, my newest Christmas baking series will start. I’ll publish the first recipe from Lord Byron’s 12 Bars and Squares of Christmas series!! I can’t wait to share that series with you!

Peggy Sayre says
They are all so pretty! says
Thank you!
Donna Whiunui says
Gorgeous and a lot of love, thank you.