Imitation crab and lobster are most certainly not for everyone, but in a world where grocery prices seem to increase every day, imitation just might be the way to go! If you prefer, you can easily substitute for the real thing in all of these 12 Imitation Crab and Lobster Recipes!

Every time I share a recipe with imitation seafood as the star or one of the contributing ingredients, I click on the publish button and wait for the mean comments to fire my way. There is some serious hate out there for imitation seafood! The great thing about imitation seafood is that it fits into almost every budget. Here are 12 Imitation Crab and Lobster Recipes that are inexpensive and in terms of flavour, can easily stand up to the real thing!
There is nothing wrong with imitation seafood. There, I’ve said it! I have been buying imitation crab and lobster for almost twenty years. Would I prefer real stuff? Of course, I would! But, I’m far from rich, and I live nowhere near an ocean. Depending on where you live, seafood can be very expensive. And, to be honest, imitation crab and lobster is quite good!
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You might need to try a few brands to find the right brand for you. I’ve tried a few that I didn’t care for too much at all. Sometimes, they can be too salty, and sometimes, they can taste like nothing. I mean that! In the past, I have purchased imitation crab that had absolutely zero flavour. So, before you give up on it, try a few brands first.
My favourite brand, SeaQuest, is luckily the most recognizable and easily found imitation crab. Here in Ontario, it’s available in almost every grocery store. From my experience, flaked imitation crab tastes better than stick imitation crab. If you’re new to imitation crab, start with flaked crab first. It always has a better flavour and texture.
On the backend, I’ve done all the work for you. As soon as you see a picture of a food item that you like, just click on it. A new window will open in your browser so that you don’t lose your place on this 22 Wing Recipes For Your Super Bowl Party page. No searching, no downloading, each and every recipe is just a click away. Let’s get started!
As soon as you see a picture of a recipe you think you might like, just click on the green highlighted box that says “CHECK OUT THE RECIPE.” A new window will open in your browser so that you don’t lose your place on this page. No searching, no downloading, each and every recipe is just a click away. Let’s get to it!

That’s how the old saying goes, right? In this particular case though, the proof is in the recipes! Since I’m the one promoting these 12 Imitation Crab and Lobster Recipes, it’s safe to say that I love them all. Over the years, I have made each one over and over again in my kitchen.
I hope you enjoy these recipes. And, if for even just a moment, I hope I have encouraged you to embrace the possibility of preparing these dishes at home using imitation seafood. Enjoy!

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